The main intelligence and political analysis company in Latin America.
About Us
With offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Washington DC, Arko Advice began in Brasília in 1982 and has the mission to use political expertise to benefit clients. With a robust and multidisciplinary team, Arko monitors and analyzes the main political and regulatory movements in Brazil, with the objective of helping clients understand and navigate the country’s political field with transparency, intelligence, and predictability.
Our services
Intelligence and Analysis
More than a hundred banks, funds, multinationals, and risk agencies rely on Arko Advice’s political analysis. We monitor the main political developments in Brazil daily and in person.
The Arko team closely monitors and engages with decision-makers to deliver predictability to clients. Arko offers political and regulatory monitoring services throughout Brazil and the United States.
Arko supports companies and associations with their institutional and government relationship efforts, mapping leaders and developing high-impact strategies in coordination with the client.
Murillo de Aragão
Prof. Dr. Murillo de Aragão is a lawyer, journalist, political scientist, and speaker. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Brasília (CEUB), holds a Master’s degree in Political Science, a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Brasília, and a postdoctoral degree in Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain.
He is the founder and president of the Brazilian Institute of Legislative Law, an adjunct professor at Columbia University (New York), Academic Director of the School of Government of Brasília, CEO of Arko Advice Research, and co-founder of MDA – Murillo de Aragão Advogados e Consultores. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Suprema magazine (Supreme Federal Court).
Throughout his career, he has held several distinguished positions, including: member of the Human Rights Observatory of the National Council of Justice (CNJ); board member of CONAR – Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Council; board member of the FIPP – Fédération Internationale de la Presse Périodique; member of the Council for Economic and Social Development of the Presidency of the Republic (during the Lula, Dilma Rousseff, and Michel Temer administrations); board member of the Serzedelo Corrêa Institute (Federal Court of Accounts); and president of the Social Communication Council of the National Congress.
He is a columnist for VEJA and Conjuntura Econômica (FGV) magazines, as well as the legal website Migalhas. The author of hundreds of articles published in Brazil and abroad, he has also written several books, including Pressure Groups in the National Congress (Maltese, 1992), Political Reform – The Indispensable Debate (Civilização Brasileira, 2014), Stop the Presses (Sulina, 2014), and Year Zero (Abril, VEJA, 2020). His work has been cited in over 200 academic publications.
In recognition of his contributions, he has received numerous honors, including the Order of Rio Branco (Itamaraty), Brasília Merit (Federal District), Santos Dumont Merit (Brazilian Air Force), Aeronautical Merit (FAB), Cultural Merit (São Paulo), and Public Security Merit (Federal District), among others.
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